I’m Ricky, a philosopher and Hecht-Levi Fellow at the Johns Hopkins Berman Institute of Bioethics.
I study ethical tradeoffs in AI and bioethics. When different values are at stake, how can we frame conflicts between them in more illuminating or insightful terms?
My approach is to reconstruct where our values and practices come from, and how they’ve shaped each other over time. By recognizing inherited tensions in our lives today, we can improve on our values and practices tomorrow.
I also work in social and political philosophy, philosophy outreach, aesthetics, and philosophy of games and sports. And yes, my dissertation was on well-being and assholes.
In my free time, I love science fiction, board games, jazz, art, screenwriting, and playing, watching, and coaching basketball.​ I also created The SlamBall Card Game. Let’s play!