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Rapid Fire
Basically a blog where I try to do philosophy outside.

Jan 26, 2024
Letting Students Write the Rules
I mentioned before that I’m driving to the University of Kentucky eSports Lounge this weekend to give a talk on how rules structure a...

Jan 12, 2024
Talent and Fit
At a really (really) high level, performance is a function of what you bring to the table (we’ll call that talent), and and how you can...

Dec 1, 2023
3 mistakes in Intro Philosophy
As finals approach, I’ve been hired as a grader for my advisor’s Intro Philosophy class. I love these classes, where we’re trying to give...

Nov 24, 2023
So there’s this psychology paper I keep thinking about
It starts, like all psychology papers, with a competitor for the most boringest sentence ever: One of the essential insights from...

Oct 20, 2023
Look at me I’m on a Panel
Last week, I was sick as a dog and downright loopy. What a perfect time to be invited to an APA Panel on AI ethics! Fortunately, I...

Oct 13, 2023
Someone could get it Wrong
I had a really interesting conversation about art criticism this week. So here we go: What does it mean to be great at jazz? Look, I know...

Jul 21, 2023
SlamBall and the Skill Explosion
Darius Clark, 25, is a highly decorated long jumper who holds the Guinness World Record for the highest vertical leap with a running...
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