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Rapid Fire
Basically a blog where I try to do philosophy outside.

Sep 6, 2024
SNEAK PEEK: Board Game Ethics
(Stick around for a sneak peek at my latest manifesto!) It’s been a busy week onboarding at Hopkins and continuing to get settled in...

Jun 21, 2024
DEEP DIVE: Simplicity and Complexity
Hi I’m a four-year-old child learning 8 new words every day. So help me out: What’s a chef? Uhh…a chef is someone who cooks food. Oh...

Jun 14, 2024
The books Elon pretends he’s read
“I read a lot of books,” says Elon Musk. Apparently one of them is Superintelligence, the highly-influential book that AI moguls from Sam...

May 24, 2024
Jazz bends Music like a Gaudí Building
I recently got to listen to a jazz concert on the roof of Antoni Gaudí’s magnificent La Pedrera. Meet the building that teaches you how...

May 10, 2024
Quantity as Quality?
I need to take a break from proofreading my dissertation (I’m turning it in today to defend this summer!) to write something else. So...

Dec 29, 2023
Why is Racism bad?
I recently spoke to a trained economist who argued that racism was bad, but only because it was bad for the economy. What can we say...

Oct 13, 2023
Someone could get it Wrong
I had a really interesting conversation about art criticism this week. So here we go: What does it mean to be great at jazz? Look, I know...

Oct 6, 2023
Quantitative and Qualitative Values
I’ve been working hard to get clear on the differences between quantitative and qualitative values lately. Here’s an example: If I want...
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